Let’s write a song!

Владислав БУТЯЕВ | Поэзия

Let’s write a song!

Let’s write a song together!
You’ll do the melody, and I’ll do the words.
Sharing the work will make it better,
And help it earn its worth.

We might write the hit of the century,
Or just one of the anthems.
We could praise loving relationships,
Or winters’ snowy silence.

Don’t worry about the music!
Both the muse and the musician are here.
Let’s get creative without further musings!
Tie a hair bow, and let childhood begin!

Why not sing about a baby,
And a time without adult cares,
When nappies aren’t needed already,
And school bench’s a few years away.

When birds look like giants that can make
An elephant run for home,
When tower cranes turn into battling
Transformers and Decepticons.

When a tiny ant is a monster,
Menacingly crawling the stalk.
When a homeless mutt is a wonder —
So kind and roaming alone.

When puddles are as big as oceans,
And your foot becomes a ship
That’ll sail them, despite your mom’s cautions:
«Stop it, you’ll get a chill!»

When the whole wide world is crystal-clear,
And it’s true superhero is you —
A human life is a miracle!
And gratitude to Heavens is due.

About the author:

Vladislav Butiaev, was born on June 8th, 1973, in the city of NaberezhnyeChelny. In 2013, his «Pocket Collection of Poems» was published in the city of Perm (a short run of 100 copies). In 2015, Vladislav’s short story «80 Days of Light» took second place in the  «In Black and White» literary contest in the city of NaberezhnyeChelny.

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