
Илтифат ГЕЙДАРОВ | Поэзия



Reality is something else…
Why teach reality?
When we’re living in disagreement with reality,
Any failure to coordinate with it
Only makes it more severe.
In the end, it always turns out that
Reality was right all along!
For instance, when our vision of the world is color blind,
And we know of just two colors —
White and black (light and darkness or good and evil),
Reality comes a-calling, carrying a whole bouquet of colors,
To prove how multi-colored this world of ours actually is!
Also, when we a certain that logic is everything,
Reality weaves such labyrinths
That, as logic strides along it’s wide boulevard,
The right way becomes concealed by reality
Somewhere behind a dead end.
Which goes to prove that logic alone is not enough —
To move ahead, we also need intuition, luck and many things besides…
And another example — sometimes, when we are certain,
Just certain — nothing more — that everything is ready
And we feel the urge to hit the «Save» button,
The «net» gets shut down.
Or, sometimes, the «net» is in our head,
And we mistakenly hit «Delete».
This is reality, as well — being displeased with something.
«Sisyphean labour» is karma, as well.
I can «see» invisible rooms
Each bearing the name «My World».
In them, many souls sit in solitary confinement,
Hunched over their fear
Because of the fear of reality.
Protecting what they call «My World», lest someone harm it.
Excuse me, but — who needs this world of yours
If it does not match with reality?
With reality, that is the world given to us by God.
And what I want to do the most is to knock
And say — come out of there!
Keep moving — don’t stand still!
For, any stone that slumbers in the middle of a field tends to gather the dust of reality.
Don’t be afraid — reality is from God!..

That’s what reality teaches us —
Everything is from God!
Simply live and savour each moment.


Tiger and Rose

You’re a tiger — bringer of fear and sadness.
I’m a rose — bringer of smiles and joy.
Your mission is to roar, to scare and —
To proclaim that truth is fear.
You and I — we have One God,
He, who instills fear through you
And smiles through me.
My quietude is my mission…
My aroma is my cry
It proclaims that truth is love.
Each of us is right «in our own way».
You have your own «audience».
I have my own — my «wavelength».
We’ve got different vibrations,
And God’s Greatness is in the fact
That He’s neither made you my «food»
Nor me — yours…
And this is how we live — as distant close «neighbors».


About the author:

Iltifat Geydarov a poet, a writer. Was born 20.04.1967 in the village of Atbulak, in Azerbaijan. Graduated from the Sumgait Polytechnic College. Used to work at a chemical plant. A Member of the Russian Writers Union since 09.02.2015.

Has publications in «Writer of the Year 2015» (No. 3); «Writer of the Year 2014» (No. 15); «Heritage 2014» (No. 12); «Land of the Cities» («Krai gorodov») magazine (No. 88, 90); «RSP. Poems 2015» (No. 8); «BRIDGE» magazine (No. 58,59,60).

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